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Meet Alan Faneca, NFL and Epilepsy Hero

On a lazy Saturday afternoon, Alan Faneca prepares to run interference should his formidable opponent—his three-year-old son—awaken early from his nap. It’s hard to imagine the 6’5” legendary former guard for the Pittsburgh Steelers tiptoeing around the house at naptime, but Faneca is a man who defies stereotypes—right down to his epilepsy.



Tips for Healthy Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep?  The NIH recommends that adults get at least 7 to 8 hours per night.  Getting good rest can help reduce the risk of having a seizure.  Read on to learn how to improve your sleep.



6 Tips for Managing Stress and Epilepsy

Life is unpredictable. One moment everything is fine—and then something comes out of left field. Maybe it’s a job loss, a breakup or a natural disaster, and it causes some serious stress.



Should You Try a Clinical Trial?

Participating in a clinical trial may be daunting at first—experimental treatments, changing your routine, and going into the unknown can be scary. But it can also be a very positive experience that offers participants access to promising new treatments not yet available on the market.